is the result of an asynchronous operation
(available since ES6 in 2015).Promise.resolve(42)
Promise(status="fulfilled", result=42)
new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolve(42); })
Promise(status="fulfilled", result=42)
Promise.resolve(42) .then((v) => v + 58) .then(print);
new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { throw new TypeError('oops!') })
Promise(status="rejected", result=TypeError("oops!"))
function wait(millis, value) { if (arguments.length < 2) { return wait.bind(null, millis); } else { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => resolve(value), millis); }); } }
Promise.resolve('done!') .then(wait(1000)) .then(print);
The console allows you to interact with the course material and examples. Use the following keys:
A special logging function is also available: