Console Learner — An interactive JavaScript course.

1.4 Type Coercion & Equality

All equality operators are based on the Object.equals method. There is no identity operator or pointer comparison available.
Type coercion means to force (convert) a value from one type to another.
"text" == 'text'
"text" == "another text"
1 == "1"
Type coercion in effect. The string value is converted to a number before the comparison.
1 === "1"
null == undefined
Unexpected but nonetheless convenient. Using type coercion, a test for null will also match undefined values.
"" + 13
Type coercion can be forced explicitly. For example, a string result is forced by concatenating with an empty string. Note that the + operator has multiple meanings (more later).
Remember those wrapper classes for the primitive types? These can be called as normal functions for type coercion to the corresponding primitive type.

The console allows you to interact with the course material and examples. Use the following keys:

A special logging function is also available:

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